Lakshmi Narasimha Temple 

The man-lion who protected even Varadaraja

The Lakshmi Narasimha Temple is nestled in the idyllic village of Sevvalli-Medu. As you embark on this virtual journey, prepare to be enchanted by the temple’s architectural splendour, rich history, and spiritual significance. Let us explore the sacred halls of this divine abode and unravel its timeless secrets.

Majestic Entrance

The Lakshmi Narasimha Temple stands tall, with its eastern entrance adorned by a majestic 65-feet Rajagopuram. This awe-inspiring structure beckons devotees and visitors alike to immerse themselves in the spiritual atmosphere that awaits within.

The Divine Form of Lord Vishnu

At the heart of the temple lies the Garbhagriha, the sanctum sanctorum that enshrines the presiding deity, Lord Vishnu, in the form of Lakshmi Narasimha. As you enter this sacred space, feel the divine presence and embrace the serenity that permeates the air.

Architectural Marvels

The temple’s sanctum sanctorum, characterized by a tri-tala vimana and an ardha mandapa, is believed to date back to the early Chola period. The mukha mandapa and closed ardha mandapa, on the other hand, bear the architectural influence of the Vijayanagara rule under King Achyuta-Devaraya. These intricately designed structures are testaments to the skill and craftsmanship of ancient artisans.

Echoes of the Past

As you wander through the maha-mandapa, you will be mesmerized by the remnants of faded yet captivating paintings that once adorned the ceilings and walls. These remnants offer a glimpse into the artistic grandeur of the Vijayanagara Period. Amidst these faded masterpieces, the images of revered Alvars and Vishvaksena stand as a testament to the temple’s spiritual heritage.

Goddess Soundaravalli Tayar Shrine

Within the temple complex, a separate shrine is dedicated to Goddess Soundaravalli Tayar, offering devotees an opportunity to seek the blessings of the divine mother. Pay homage to the goddess and experience the profound connection she fosters with her devotees.


The adhistana moulding of the main temple carries an inscription from the Chola period. It commemorates the Kumbabhishekam, a sacred consecration ceremony, performed by Paramesvara-varma, a Pallava king. This inscription serves as a link to the temple’s historical legacy, connecting the present to its glorious past.

A Tale of Devotion and Protection

During the Islamic invasion of Kanchipuram, the archa-vigrahas of Lord Varadarajaswamy were transported to Sevilimedu through an underground tunnel, which still exists today. This remarkable incident serves as a poignant reminder of the temple’s resilience and devotion. On the auspicious day of Chitra Pournami, Lord Varadarajaswamy continues to grace the Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, bringing blessings and divine energy.

The Well of Sacred Waters

Near the Lakshmi Narasimha Temple, a significant well holds deep spiritual significance. It is believed to be the very well from which Sri Ramanuja, the revered saint, offered water to Lord Varadarajaswamy, symbolizing his unwavering devotion and service. Feel the sacredness of this well and reflect on the spiritual significance it holds.

The Lakshmi Narasimha Temple in Sevvalli-Medu stands as an architectural marvel and a testament to the rich cultural heritage of India. With its grandeur, historical connections, and spiritual aura, it provides a space for devotees and visitors to connect with the divine. Embark on your own pilgrimage to this sacred temple, and immerse yourself in its timeless beauty and spiritual energy. Experience the tranquility and reverence that awaits within the hallowed halls of the Lakshmi Narasimha Temple.

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