Pandavaduta Perumal

A Celestial Residence of Lord Sri Krishna

Pandavaduta Perumal temple in Siva Kanchi is a renowned Vaishnavite shrine dedicated to Lord Sri Krishna. This sacred temple holds significant importance as one of the 108 Sri Vaishnava Divyadesams.ย 

Episode : 9 Pandavaduta Perumal

  • Story and Significance

    According to the temple legend, Lord Vishnu appeared on Earth as Lord Krishna to protect the righteous and defeat the wicked. The temple's name, Pandavaduta Perumal, refers to Lord Krishna's role as the emissary (duta) for the Pandavas. During the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna's cosmic form was revealed, thwarting a plan to harm him. This incident symbolizes the triumph of righteousness.โ€จ

  • Architecture

    The Pandavaduta Perumal temple showcases remarkable architecture from the early Chola period. It features a garbhagrha, antarala, ardha mandapa, mukha mandapa, and a grand maha-mandapa. The temple is enclosed by a compound wall, with an entrance tower, bali pitha, and a dhvajastambha. The idol of Lord Vishnu, nearly 25 feet tall, depicts him in a sitting posture, radiating divine grace.

  • Spiritual Significance

    The idol of Lord Krishna represents his Vishvarupa, the universal form. With a captivating smile, he sits in a meditative pose, offering protection through his raised right hand. The temple has been praised by revered saints like Alwars, who composed hymns here, and Yagnamurti, a disciple of Sri Ramanuja, who dedicated his life to spreading Visishtadvaita teachings.

  • Historical Significance

    The temple's inscriptions reveal the patronage of Kulottunga Chola and generous donations by merchants for its maintenance. These inscriptions provide valuable insights into the temple's rich history.

  • Festivals and Celebrations

    The temple's grand festival is the ten-day Brahmotsavam, held in Avani, starting on Sri Jayanti. Another important celebration is the festival honoring Arulala Peruman Emperumanar in Kartigai. Pilgrims visit the

  • Conclusion

    Pandavaduta Perumal temple stands as a divine abode of Lord Sri Krishna, representing his protection and righteousness. With its captivating legends, architectural beauty, and spiritual significance, the temple offers a blissful experience for devotees. A visit to this sacred place invokes a deep connection with the divine presence of Lord Krishna.

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