Vaikuntha Perumal Temple

Where the Lord graces- Standing, Sitting and Lying

The enchanting realm of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple, located in the Shivakanchi section of Kanchipuram. This divine abode showcases the remarkable architectural prowess of the Pallavas and stands as a testament to their artistic excellence.ย 

Episode : 15 Vaikuntha Perumal Temple


History and Mythological Significance

Discover the intriguing origins of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple, rooted in the legend of King Virochana, who sought the divine blessings of Lord Kailashanatha for progeny. Witness the divine intervention that led to the reincarnation of the dvarapalakas, Pallava and Villava, who later established their victory and performed an Ashvamedha Yajna. Experience the manifestation of Lord Vishnu in the magnificent form depicted within the Garbhagriha of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple.

Architectural Marvel

Marvel at the architectural splendor of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple, exemplifying the early Dravida style. Delve into the intricate details of the sandstone and granite structures, adorned with exquisite stone sculptures and panels. Explore the three shrines within the temple, each housing Lord Vishnu in his seated, reclining, and standing forms. Admire the captivating depictions of Vamana, Trivikrama, Kaliyamardhana, and other divine scenes that grace the temple’s inner walls.

Cloister Mandapa: Unveiling Pallava History

Step into the cloister mandapa, a mesmerizing corridor along the temple’s enclosure wall, and embark on a visual journey through the history of the Pallavas. Encounter captivating stone panels depicting legendary ancestors and significant events, showcasing the glorious legacy of the Pallava dynasty.

Spiritual Significance and Worship

Immerse yourself in the spiritual ambiance of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple as we explore its religious significance. Learn about the Vaikhanasa Agama, the revered scripture guiding the temple’s worship rituals. Discover the annual Brahmotsava celebrated in the auspicious Tamil month of Vaigasi and the sacred Vaikuntha Ekadashi festival observed during Margazhi.

Cultural Heritage and Inscriptions

Gain insights into the cultural heritage preserved within Vaikuntha Perumal Temple through its ancient inscriptions. Unearth the fascinating details of the generous gifts bestowed upon the temple, such as gold images and bowls, to support the sacred rituals and festivities.

As we conclude our exploration of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple, we are left in awe of its architectural grandeur, spiritual significance, and cultural heritage. This divine abode serves as a serene sanctuary for devotees seeking solace and divine blessings. Embark on your own spiritual journey to experience the transcendental beauty and profound serenity of Vaikuntha Perumal Temple, a treasure trove of history and devotion.

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